We’ve been selling Software Services for 10 years now. Outbound Selling, approaching your targeted customer directly, has proven to be a crucial activity for us.

In the new world everybody talks about SEO and how to promote your company through the multiple channels and that’s definitely important. However, if you look at most companies and individuals that succeed, they very often include a hustle side, contacting, meeting, selling and promoting your product or service directly to your desired customers.

In fact, because we believe and share this mindset ourselves, we created our own methodology for Customer Success, Cleverti Care.

There are simply too many good aspects in approaching your potential clients directly… Just to name a few:

1. Target specifically the right customer, instead of hoping that the appropriate one comes directly through inbound channels;

2. Build your targeted audience – Position of the person you want to speak with, Companies in industry A, with X number of employees, …;

3. Ability to increase your leads immensely;

4. Receive rich feedback from the conversations, which allows you and your sales people to learn incredible amounts.



There were times in which people would get flooded with emails and calls from sales people trying to sell all types of things, but those times are over. As times passes, we have seen the emerging of several channels used to sell products that stole the focus dedicated to emailing and calling. I’m referring to social networks such as Facebook or Instagram and to ecommerce platforms such as Ebay, Amazon and others.

With the rising of these type of channels and the decrease in emailing and calling activities, Outbound Selling has become extremely valuable once again!

At Cleverti, we have clearly identified the importance of this techniques so lets talk about the key components we have identified to succeed.

There are many guides and strategies regarding this topic available throughout the internet. These are some of my Key Components you should tackle to succeed:

1. Identify your targeted audience;

2. Identify your way of approaching: how and when to use the different tools – Emailing, Social Network conversations, Phone calls;

3. Build a Database with your contacts;

4. Segment your Contacts in different categories and segment your Leads by putting them in different stages – from Cold to Hot Lead;

5. Qualify your Leads by gathering and saving as much important information as possible (ex: Decision maker? , budget? , moving forward soon? , …);

6. BE ORGANIZED: Identify and qualify your contacts/leads, schedule follow-ups using the different tools, and keep everything tracked, because if things go well, there will be increasingly more leads to address, and you don’t want to get lost and lose your ability to perform;

7. Work according to the order of importance – Spend more time dedicated to hotter leads;

8. Finally, sell to people that want to buy – this might seem obvious but in fact, a common mistake in Outbound Sales is to target a large audience, without accessing if the person/company contacted has the intention to buy.


The ultimate goal in the Sales department is to sell our Services, and that usually requires first having a meeting with the appropriate person/ the decision maker.

Once you have got this meeting you have arrived at the desired place – it is time to sell! I will not get into the art of selling in this article: you should know by heart your value proposition and be helpful.

Now lets sum it up: if you are organized, consistent and smart in your Outbound Sales technique, your company and you will benefit!

Outbound Sales is alive. If you don’t do it, you are missing out on opportunities!


Written by João Coelho / Business Manager at Cleverti