Building a highly scalable, responsive, enterprise-grade frontend solution Building a highly scalable, responsive, enterprise-grade frontend solution joao.silva2021-03-15T12:08:04+00:00
Web and mobile competence to boost delivery Web and mobile competence to boost delivery joao.silva2021-03-15T12:08:36+00:00
Top front-end usability for reservoir management platform Top front-end usability for reservoir management platform joao.silva2021-03-15T12:08:48+00:00
Cloud-based smart and responsive retail sales management Cloud-based smart and responsive retail sales management joao.silva2021-03-15T12:09:16+00:00
Wider, faster and better testing of eZ Platform Wider, faster and better testing of eZ Platform joao.silva2021-03-15T12:10:11+00:00
Fresh mobile functionality for worldwide sports fans Fresh mobile functionality for worldwide sports fans joao.silva2021-03-15T12:10:27+00:00