5G will have a data transfer speed ten times faster than 4G, with minimum latency. This is clearly a great achievement, more so because 5G should eventually allow data transfer of up to 100 Gb / s. From super-ultra-fast broadband to enormous networks of Internet of Things (IoT), to smart and autonomous cars, 5G could be the catalyst that brings about a much smarter and more connected planet.


What areas will achieve a greater impact and where will we gain the most from using this new technology?


Broadband Internet Everywhere

5G will be available everywhere, either at home or at the office, via a fixed wireless access (FWA) connection. If we think about it, we can have an entire building with a direct 5G connection from a nearby cell, and within that building, each device can take advantage of 5G speeds via existing Wi-Fi connections, including computers, laptops, phones, game consoles, TVs, among others.

But most interesting is when the FWA connection is used outside a large city. Nowadays, it is easy to find fast internet in big cities, or even in the suburbs. As we stray further from them, problems begin to arise and we stop having a fast and reliable connection.

Smart Cities and Vehicles

5G technology is in intelligent traffic control. When we have a whole city connected through 5G, cars can communicate with each other and with the traffic lights; we will be able to manage traffic more efficiently and, thereby, reduce the hours lost in traffic. It will thus be possible not to have to wait at a traffic light when there are no other cars around. The system will know when other vehicles are approaching fast enough to ensure a red light on your side, otherwise, it will allow you to cross the intersection smoothly.

Self-driving vehicles require GPS to know exactly where they are located. These devices have improved a lot over the last few years and the latest ones now feature state-of-the-art GPS chips, resulting in near-perfect accuracy, but direct car-to-car communication will make the whole experience even better, especially when it comes to alternative routes and safety.

The way we drive will also change, as the 5G avoids traffic jams. Nowadays, they happen when the cars in front slow down to the point that everyone behind them needs to brake to avoid accidents. Before you know it, hundreds of vehicles are stationary and then it takes some time for them to get back up and running again.


How will the launch of a new mobile network standard impact IT employment and how will 5G contribute to technological progress?

– IT Security – Top priority
5G will allow the IoT to reach its peak. More and more devices will be able to connect and communicate with each other, creating smart homes, smart buildings and entire cities, all to make people’s lives easier. In an era when all appliances are connected to a single digital organism, a hacker could break into our computer via a smart toaster or a coffee machine. Faced with this challenge, a great opportunity will arise for computer security experts to ensure that all potential “doors” are closed against fans of electronic theft. 5G on the edge can allow up to one million devices to connect to each other over an area of ​​one square kilometre. This will result in a host of potential threats to users’ security and privacy. Thus, over the next few years, we expect a lot of work in this area and thus greater need of these professionals.


– Virtual reality
One of the greatest advantages of 5G is the data transfer speed that will allow you to take full advantage of the potential of Virtual Reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology and provide users with entertainment on an unprecedented scale, level of realism and user experience. VR needs a large bandwidth and possibly a lower latency, and 4G LTE often cannot meet these requirements. VR, however, will apply to our computers, smartphones and cars. This will open up new opportunities for virtual reality engineers, gameplay designers, and application developers.


– Cloud Computing will reach its peak
Thanks to 5G, most processes can work in cloud computing: more resource-intensive operations will no longer burden users’ infrastructure. This is a goodbye to the very low computing power of mobile devices, which would otherwise be unable to keep up with the ultra-fast 5G transfer. The job market will see a growing demand for cloud computing experts. In the coming years, software developers and cloud engineers will be sought after and well paid.


IT will continue to grow at a frenetic pace and 5G will be one of the drivers behind this growth. Universities and enterprises must be alert to prepare the largest number of people for this field as 5G is not the future, it is already our present, today.

Written by César Fonseca / Business Director at Cleverti